Wednesday, December 22, 2010


One of the joys of womanhood is taking the time out to pamper ourselves so we can face each new day looking and feeling our best. Learn the benefits of facials and different kinds of facials.


One of the joys of womanhood is taking the time to pamper ourselves so we can face each new day looking and feeling our best. Our skin is our largest organ, performing several functions, including protecting us from invasion by foreign substances and serving as the transfer point for the release of toxins from our bodies. The skin provides an honest mirror of our inner health and well-being. It is thus especially important to use only natural, gentle ingredients on our skin whenever possible. Application to the skin of fresh, natural products such as essential oils, plant waters (also called "hydrosols") and cold pressed unscented oils helps maintain a youthful, glowing complexion. Essential oils and hydrosols are the fragrant liquids that are distilled from different plant parts, such as flower petals; herbs leaves and tree barks, and are fundamental components of any solid, natural skin care regime. Cold pressed unscented oils are extracted from various fruits, nuts and seeds, and include olive oil, sweet almond oil, avocado oil and jojoba oil. Used in tandem, essential oils, hydrosols and cold pressed unscented oils work together to soothe and nourish the skin, encouraging a healthful, radiant complexion.

Facials are deep skin treatments that cleanse, rehydrate and rejuvenate the skin, apart from minimizing skin blemishes, acne, dry skin and, of course, wrinkles. Facials vary depending on your skin type, the kind of treatment you've chosen, the products used and the person's age. However, it is advisable to start having facials in your late 20's.

The benefits

Facials involve a cleansing procedure, a massage and steam, and the application of a facemask. What they help to do is remove the dead, dull outer layer of cells that make up the skin's surface or epidermis along with pollutants. The massage, which is an important part of a facial, helps blood circulation, which in turn aids lymphatic drainage (the removal of toxins and waste from the body). A massage also relaxes the facial muscles and is very important to delay the onset of wrinkles. The face is steamed during a facial for two main reasons. Firstly, steam helps the skin absorb cream better. Secondly, it helps in softening blackheads and whiteheads so that they can be removed easily. The application of a facemask in the end helps tone and clarifies the skin. Facemasks are also used to treat dry and acne-ridden skin.

The different types of facials

A basic clean up
A clean up cleanses, exfoliates and moisturises facial skin. Ugly blackheads and whiteheads are cleared by gently steaming the face. Regular clean-ups can prevent and reduce skin problems. The skin is first cleansed under steam, and then very gently scrub granules are massaged over the skin. After removing the scrub, another creamy cleanser is applied and the skin is exfoliated further with a soft rotating electric brush and massaged. These are recommended for all skin types and can be done on people under the age of 25.

The advantages of Clean-up are :
It reduces tanning
Removes dirt and blackheads
Provides a clean and glowing complexion.

Normal facials
These facials are a simple cleanse, steam and massage affair. They're the least expensive of all facials. They're also the best option for normal skin that isn't prone to acne. The difference between these facials and a clean up is that the skin is massaged for a longer period of time in a facial.

Special facials
These are a step-up from the normal facial. Specially formulated hypoallergenic creams are used to moisturize the skin. Face packs are applied depending on different skin types and special cleansing and rejuvenation techniques are also part of the process. These are recommended for people with sensitive skins.

Bio-lift facials
In addition to cleansing, massage and rejuvenation techniques, these facials include treatment that targets dark circles under the eye. The characteristic of this facial is the bio-mask, which tones and tightens the skin on the face, making it look younger.

AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) facials
AHA acids, which are derived from fruits and flowers, are known for their anti-aging effects. These facials use creams formulated with AHAs, which help the skin look smoother and healthier. They are also recommended for people who have pigmented skin, and are prone to wrinkling easily.

In these, creams containing flower extracts are used, which improve action of the capillaries, skin texture and tighten pores-- inducing relaxation and calming the mind. In ancient times, the fragrance of rose, lavender, jasmine, neroli, etc., was used to cure depression, insomnia, anxiety and other mental states. Fresh fruit facials are done with pulps of fresh fruits; mostly seasonal fruits. For e.g. Orange or sweet Lime pulp. Fresh fruit facial is very good for very sensitive skin, which cannot tolerate any chemically prepared cosmetics. Fruits are chosen according to the skin type. Banana for dry skin and Orange for oily skin.

Paraffin facials
These facials are offered as part of bridal beauty packages. It involves the application of a special paraffin mask on the face over layers of gauze, which helps seal in the special anti-aging and rejuvenating creams applied to the skin. It aids better absorption and brings back the radiance of the skin.

Anti-oxidant and pollution-fighting facials
This facial uses creams and masks enriched with free-radical fighting agents like vitamin A, beta-carotene and vitamin E. Pollutants are first removed and the skin is then deep cleansed in this procedure. This is recommended for people who have to be outdoors often-on account of their work.

Acne Facials
A treatment for those who suffer with troubled skin; particularly effective on teenage and adult acne. After cleansing this treatment begins with enzyme or glycolic acid exfoliation and a warm vapor mist, followed by extensive manual deep pore extractions, electric disencrustation and a skin-calming, anti-bacterial masque. This facial should be performed at regular, two-week intervals until problem clears.

Collagen Facials
This type of facial includes use of a multi-phase technique of exfoliation, warm vapor, deep pore cleansing, lymphatic drainage massage and self healing mineral or paraffin masque over a freeze dry collagen sheet to ensure the ideal hydrating effect. Normally in this kind of facial, liquid nutrients in the form of vials or ampoules are used and for quick absorption of liquid nutrients in the skin, laser or galvanic treatment is done. This is an effective preventative treatment against harmful environmental damage, wrinkles and dark circles. Recommended for all skin types.

Aromatherapy Facial
In these essential oils are used, which have potent and specific curative properties that are of particular benefit to the skin. They are effective for relaxation of body and mind. Aromatherapy facials help clear skin congestion and improve the normal functions of the skin. The mask, which is applied at the end of the massage, also contains essential oils. The elimination of toxins, the improvement in the skin's normal functions, including cell regeneration and the uplifting effect, all combine to make aromatherapy facials revitalizing and rejuvenating.

Galvanic Facial
In this Galvanic gadget is used, by which a steady, direct galvanic current is utilized, to introduce water-soluble substances through the skin. It heightens the skin's capacity to absorb and improves the penetration of the products. The treatment of specific problems becomes easier. This benefits dry, dehydrated skins, improving moisture retention. It also helps remove congestion.

Gold Facial
This facial makes use of creams containing 24-Carat pure gold, which penetrates the skin easily. It is a powerful rejuvenating treatment. Gold has a powerful effect on lymphatic drainage, facilitating the removal of toxins and wastes. This accelerates the regeneration of new cells. Masks, containing gold, are also applied. The gold facial helps to restore youthful qualities, like softness, smoothness, elasticity, resilience and radiance.

Home-Made Facials & Face Packs
Homemade Facials

Following are a few homemade facials that will help make your skin beautiful and vibrant.
Citrus and grapefruit mask for oily skin type:

½ grapefruit
½ lemon's juice
½ cored apple
1-2 egg whites
30-40 seedless grapes

Mix ingredients together in a blender. Apply on your face and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

Grapefruit unclogs pores and lemon is an excellent astringent and clarifier, while egg whites tighten the skin. Expect a tingle with this mask-that means its working but if your skin is dry it could start to burn. If this occurs, wash it off immediately.
Fruit Masque for dehydrated skin:

1 cup of mixed mashed fruit (try melon, peaches, strawberries, and bananas)
2-3 Tbsp. Double cream
3 tsp. cottage cheese
1 tsp. brown sugar
4 tsp. oatmeal powder

Blend all the ingredients together and apply on your face. Relax for ten minutes, and rinse off with warm water.

The luscious combination of cream and juicy fruits works wonders after a hot day in the sun and helps refresh the skin.
Honey Mask for smooth and soft skin:

1½ tbsp. honey
1 egg white
2 tsp. glycerin
1/3 cup flour

Whisk the honey, egg white and glycerin, and then add the flour. The result should be a thick paste. Apply to face and rinse after 15 minutes This mask effectively moisturizes and tightens the skin, making it smooth and soft.
Egg Mask for smooth,tight and soft skin:

1 egg white

Separate the egg white from the yolk. Put the egg white on your face and relax for about 15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.
This mask leaves your skin smooth, refreshed and tightens your skin.

Egg yolk

Separate the yolk from the egg white. Mix the yolk and apply over clean skin. Let it set for about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
The egg yolk acts as an ant-oxidant and does wonders for your complexion as it pulls impurities out of your skin, leaving it soft and healthy.

Yoghurt Moisturizing Mask:

Plain yoghurt

Smooth yoghurt over your face and let it set for about 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
This mask is super-simple and will add lots of moisture to your skin. Especially a treat to people having dry skin. Plus, it's great for those of us who hate spending time in the kitchen and want something that's quick to prepare and easy to make.

Egg and Honey Facial for clear and supple skin:

1 egg yolk
1 tsp. honey
1 tsp. vitamin E oil
1 tsp. almond oil

Mix all ingredients together, stirring until smooth. To use, apply to face and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.
This easy mask is suitable for all skin types. It clarifies and moisturizes the skin, leaving it cleansed and silken. Egg yolks contain anti-oxidants, which are very beneficial to our skin.

Vegetable Mask:

1/2 tomato, mashed (remove seeds and skin)
2 tsp. curd
1 tsp. mashed cucumber
3-4 tsp. oatmeal powder
3 crushed mint leaves.

Mix ingredients together and apply on your face. Wait for ten minutes, and then wash off with warm water.
This mask works well for oily skin, since it absorbs the surplus oils. Tomatoes are excellent anti-oxidants, and the curd prevents excessive drying.

Fruity Facials:


Crush strawberry and apply on face and leave it on for 2/3 minutes and then rinse with plenty of water.
Strawberry is rich in vitamin c and is very refreshing for your skin. However some people are allergic to strawberry so before applyinh test it on your skin and if there is any irritation then do not apply.


Crush papaya and apply on face and leave it on for 5 minutes. Rinse off with plenty of water.
Papayas contain an enzyme 'papain', which is useful in exfoliating the skin.


Crush watermelon and apply on the face for 5 minutes and then rinse. Watermelon cleanses the skin.

Some More Home-Made Facials
Mix 1 1/2 teaspoons honey, the juice from 1/2 of a lemon, and 3-tablespoon yoghurt. Stir in 1 whipped egg white. Apply to face and let set about 15 minutes. Then wash off with lukewarm water.
Make a paste from a little oatmeal and water. Apply to face and let it dry. Then wash off with lukewarm water.
Mash half of an avocado and apply to entire face. Let set for about 20 minutes and then wash off.
Mash 1/2 banana and add 1-tablespoon honey and 2 tablespoons sour cream. Apply to face and let set for about 10 minutes. Then wash off with lukewarm water.
Two tablespoons of cornmeal mixed with enough water to make a thick paste makes a great inexpensive facial mask. Gently apply to face and wash off.
Soak 1 cup dried apricots in water until softened. Puree in blender or food processor with 2 tablespoons skim milk powder. Apply to face and let set about 15 minutes. Then wash off with lukewarm water.
In a food processor or blender, combine 1/2 cucumber, 1-tablespoon yoghurt, a few strawberries, and 1-teaspoon honey. Apply to face and let it dry. Then wash off with lukewarm water.
To loosen blackheads, combine equal parts baking soda and water in your hand and rub gently on your skin for 2 to 3 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Face Packs

For a beautiful and flawless skin it is necessary that you take care of it. If you do not want to go to beauty parlours for regular facials then you can try the following face packs which you can make at home. A face pack not only cleanses your skin but it also helps to maintain the firmness of your skin and its balance. Following face packs are categorized for different skin types.

Face Pack for Oily skin:
Oily skin is caused by over-active glands, which produce a substance called Asebum, a naturally healthy skin lubricant. When the skin produces too much sebum, it becomes thick and heavy in texture. It needs a thorough cleansing routine to remove the surface grime and unclog blocked pores.

Six strawberries.
One teaspoon of Brandy.
Two teaspoons of breadcrumbs.
Two teaspoons of fuller's earth.
Rose water.

Mash six strawberries with a teaspoon of Brandy, two spoons of breadcrumbs, two spoons of fuller's earth and a few drops of rose water. Mix well and apply a thick layer on the face and neck and leave on for 20 minutes.

This pack rejuvenates, tightens and exfoliates your skin and brings that shine and radiance. Since strawberries have Vitamin C and a certain acidic properties they leave the skin sparkling clean. Breadcrumbs help to exfoliate dead skin while fuller's earth will tighten the pores and brandy helps in adding some glow.

Face Pack for Dry skin:
Dry skin usually results when skin fails to produce enough sebum to maintain a naturally lubricated surface. Dry skin often appears coarse, tight, dull and flaky, with visible lines and wrinkles. Hence dry skin needs extra moisturizing.

10 almonds.
Two teaspoons of oatmeal.
Four tablespoons of full cream milk.
Two teaspoons of china clay.
Juice of half lemon.
One mashed avocado.

Make a pack with a mixture of 10 almonds, two spoons oatmeal, four tablespoons of full cream milk, two spoons china clay, juice of half a lemon, and one mashed avocado. Apply on face and leave it for 20 minutes. Dampen cotton wool with cold milk and wipe it off. Splash your face with cold water and apply a light moisturizer.

This pack will help to maintain the balance of your skin. Oatmeal is very good since it acts like an exfoliater.

Face Pack for Combination Skin:
This type of skin is usually oily on the nose and forehead and dry around the eyes and cheeks. If you have more than one skin type on your face, it is wise to use products containing different ingredients to treat the areas differently. Cleanse the center zone with an astringent while dab the rest of the face with moisturizer.

Half cup powdered peas
Three teaspoons of curd.
Juice of one lemon.
Half cup papaya pulp.
Rose water

Prepare a pack of half a cup of powdered peas, mixed with three spoons of curd, juice of one lemon and half a cup of papaya pulp. Apply it for 20 minutes and wash your face with ice- cold water. Better still rub an ice cube dipped in rose water over the T-Zone.

This pack will give restore the texture of your face and will bring radiance and glow to your skin. It also prevents enlarged pores and blackheads.

Aromatherapy Facial

Aromatherapy Facial

Skin Types
There are five basic skin types, and you will want to consider yours when making your own aromatherapy beauty products.

Oily Skin
Oily skin is caused by over-active glands, which produce a substance called Asebum, a naturally healthy skin lubricant. When the skin produces too much sebum, it becomes thick and heavy in texture. Shininess, pimples and blemishes characterize oily skin. Frequent steam cleaning and exfoliation can help reduce these symptoms.

Dry Skin
Dry skin usually results when skin fails to produce enough sebum to maintain a naturally lubricated surface. This lack of oil in the skin is often hereditary, but can also be caused by over-exposure to the sun and other environmental elements. As we age, our skin becomes drier as decreased metabolism reduces the rapidity with which dead skin cells are replaced. Dry skin often appears coarse, tight, dull and flaky, with visible lines and wrinkles. Massage with essential and cold pressed oils can stimulate metabolism and alleviate dry skin conditions.

Normal Skin
Normal skin produces a healthy amount of sebum, and tends to be neither dry nor oily in feel.

Sensitive Skin
Sensitive skin reacts unfavorably to a variety of chemicals and environmental factors. Having had ample opportunity to compare brand new baby skin with skin that is just a few years old, it seems to me that all skin is delicate and sensitive when it is new. Increased exposure to nature's elements such as the sun, wind and cold, as well as to harsh cosmetic ingredients, tend to toughen skin over time.

Combination Skin
Many people have different skin types on different parts of the face. For example, it is not uncommon for a person to have oily skin around the nose, forehead and chin, while the rest of the face is more on the dry side. If you have more than one skin type on your face, it is wise to use products containing different ingredients to treat the areas differently.

Your Step-By-Step At-Home Facial

A basic facial must include at least 3 elements:
(1) cleansing;
(2) toning; and
(3) moisturizing.
Additional steps might include steaming, exfoliating and masking.

Step 1. Before cleansing your skin with a gentle cleanser, it is wise to give yourself a light steam treatment to open your pores and prepare your face for cleaning. To do this, simply soak a soft towel in a bowl of comfortably warm herbal tea. Wring out the towel and place it over your face and neck area and relax until it cools slightly. You may repeat this process, as it is quite soothing.

Step 2. Cleanse your face with a gentle handmade cleanser such as Rose Cream Cleanser. Use upward, circular movements of the fingertips to gently stimulate the skin and help lift surface debris and excess oil. Rinse with warm water and gently pat excess moisture from face with a soft towel. If you wear heavy make-up, you might wish to repeat the cleansing process.

Step 3. After cleansing, it is important to tone the skin using ingredients that help balance the pH of the skin, which is typically disturbed during the cleansing process. Apply the toner with a soft cotton pad, but do not rub the skin. Rather, saturate the pad and pat the toner over the face and neck area. Do not pat skin dry. Avoid eye area when using toner. You skin is now ready for moisturizing.

Step 4. Moisturize your skin using Aromatic Facial Oil, which contains a host of soothing ingredients to add moisture and nutrients to your skin. To seal in the moisture, be sure to apply the oil while skin remains damp from applying the toner. Gently apply the oil to your face and neck using patting motions. For oily areas of skin, one application of oil should suffice. Apply twice to dry areas of skin, waiting about 2-3 minutes between applications, and being sure to moisten the skin slightly with water or toner before the second application.

Aroma Facial For Oily Skin

Step 1.Cleansing
Apply a paste of 1/2 tsp Milk powder, 2 drops Lemon oil, 1 drop Cedar wood on the face and neck and massage for a minute or two. Then wipe using tissue or cotton.

Step 2. Toning
Apply on skin a paste made of fuller's earth, 2 drops rosemary and 2 drops basil and leave it to dry. Then wipe it with wet towel.

Step 3. Moisturizing
Take any good quality non-perfumed moisturizing cream. To it add 2 drops Lavender. Apply gently on skin.

Aroma Facial For Dry Skin

Step 1. Cleansing
Make a paste of 1 tsp milk powder, I pinch sugar, 2 drops basil and 2 drops lemon and apply on the face and neck and gently massage. Then wipe using tissue or cotton.

Step 2. Toning
Make a paste using almond powder, 1-drop lemon and 1-drop rose water and apply on the face and leave it to dry. Then wipe it with wet towel.

Step 3. Moisturizing
Take any good quality non -perfumed moisturizing cream. To it add 1 drop Rose and 1 drop Sandalwood. Apply gently on skin.

Aroma Facial For Normal Skin

Step 1. Cleansing
Make a paste of 1 tsp milk, sandalwood powder and almond powder. Apply on face and neck and massage. Then wipe using tissue or cotton.

Step 2. Toning
Make a paste using almond powder, 1/2 tsp honey and 1-drop rose and apply on the face and leave it to dry. Then wipe it with wet towel.

Step 3. Moisturizing
Take any good quality non -perfumed moisturizing cream. To it add 1 drop Rose and 1 drop lavender. Apply gently on skin.

Aroma Facial For Combination Skin

Step 1. Cleansing
Apply a paste using 1 tsp. milk powder, 2 drops of Rosemary and 1 drop of juniper berry on face and neck and massage. Then wipe using tissue or cotton.

Step 2. Toning
For Dry Areas
Make a paste using Almond powder, 1-drop lemon, 1 drop rose and apply on the face and leave it to dry. Then wipe it with wet towel.

For Oily Areas
Make a paste using Fullers Earth, 2 drops Rosemary and 2 drops basil. and apply on the face and leave it to dry. Then wipe it with wet towel.

Step 3. Moisturizing
Take any good quality moisturizing cream and add 2 drops Lavender. Apply gently.

Aroma Facial For Sensitive Skin

Step 1. Cleansing
Apply a paste using 1/2 tsp. milk powder, 2 drops of lavender and warm water on face and neck and massage. Then wipe using tissue or cotton.

Step 2. Toning
Apply on skin a paste made of fuller's earth, 3 drops Chamomile and honey and leave it to dry. Then wipe it with wet towel.

Step 3. Moisturizing
Take any good quality non -perfumed moisturizing cream. To it add 5 drop Rose. Apply gently on skin.

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