Wednesday, December 22, 2010

All About Beautiful Hair Tips


First and foremost, always comb your hair gently to prevent breakage. Hair is at its weakest when wet. So never brush your hair when wet. As far as possible let your hair dry naturally. Use dryers only when you are pressed for time or when you want to set them for an occasion. Detangle your hair before you wash it. Wet hair is very fragile so brush your hair thoroughly before getting into the shower.

Oiling and shampoos :

Oil your hair at least twice a week or for a day before washing. Oil really does wonders for your hair; coating each strand and making it shine. Besides oil massage also increases the circulation in the scalp and promotes hair growth. Avoid using harsh shampoos and conditioners as they can harm your hair and make them dry. Tackle dandruff with good antidandruff shampoos. Most of all try to keep your hair clean and do not expose it to strong wind, dust and pollution. Use a scarf while on a two-wheeler.
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Taking care naturally :

Do you want to have beautiful long hair, but cannot because of problems like dandruff, split-ends, greying etc which compel you to cut your hair? Well, here are some easy home recipes for good growth of hair. So get going to have hassle free bouncy hair!
1. Wash and clean a bunch of Methi leaves in water. Without adding water, add black pepper, a few drops of lemon and salt to taste and boil. Churn this in a mixer or juicer and drink this concoction. Drinking this regularly will increase hair growth.

2. Eat pieces of coconut or if you get cough because of coconut, have jaggery instead. Also include coconut in your daily food like dals, vegetables, etc.

3. Half an hour before washing your hair, rub coconut milk onto your scalp. This will also make your hair shinier.

4. Just as you massage oil, massage raw milk in your hair. Wash off after an hour.

5. Cashewnuts are very nutritious and good for your skin and also enhance hair growth.

6. Grandma's advice still holds true. At night before going to sleep, give your hair a hundred strokes with a brush. This increases the blood circulation in the scalp and promotes hair growth. However brush your hair gently for vigorous stroking will cause breakage.

7. Drink coconut water atleast twice a week. It is good for your skin, digestive system and really a miracle ingredient for your hair.

8. Heat olive oil and massage into hair and then take steam. By doing this regularly you will get rid of split-ends.

9. Make a paste of jaggery, curd, and Multanni mitti and apply on scalp an hour before shampooing to get rid of dandruff. Take this treatment once in 15 days.
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Loss of hair at a very tender age has become a common disorder these days. Hair loss can be because of number of problems but the main cause according to scientists is a progressive condition known as androgenetic alopecia or common hereditary hair loss. In androgenetic alopecia, combination of heredity, hormones and age causes progressive shrinking or miniaturization of certain hair follicles which result in no hair growth at all after certain period of time. Usually we lose about 100 hair per day, after a few months, a new hair grows out of the same follicle. But because of this condition hair growth becomes absolutely nil resulting in baldness. Other causes of hair loss are stress, skin disorders or serious disease, childbirth, shock, excessive drug intake, wrong eating habits, subjecting your hair to chemical treatments etc. Wrong eating habits and inadequate nutrition in your diet also causes loss of hair.


Until recently, there have been no effective treatments for hair loss. However, medicines and surgery to slow hair loss and replace lost hair are now available. There are also two main types of surgery for hair loss - transplantation and scalp reduction.
In order to have beautiful and thick hair growth you need to have adequate essential nutrients in the daily diet. Hair is made of protein and therefore adequate protein is necessary for healthy hair. You diet should be rich with proteins and minerals. You require a daily intake of 100 grams of protein which you can take either through protein supplements or by milk, buttermilk, yogurt, soyabean, eggs, cheese, meat and fish. A lack of vitamin A, vitamin B, B6, B12, folic acid, biotin, iron, copper and iodine may cause hair loss and premature greying. Lack of inositol is also a cause for loss of hair. Inositol is available in foods such as yeast, liver and molasses. Thus if your diet is rich in iodine, protein, vitamin, iron and inositol, then you can have long lustrous locks. Eat lots of green vegetable and fruits supplemented with foods such as milk, vegetable oils, honey, wheat germ, yeast, eggs and liver.
These are a few helpful tips to help regenerate hair follicles, but they do not cure any underlying conditions, or stress-related hair loss.

* Take dietary supplements such as Vitamin B6, protien & Silica. Supplements are useful when you can't get enough from natural food sources.

* Get enough sleep and have a balanced and healthy diet.

* Regularly massage your scalp after a hair wash. It will activate the sebaceous glands and there will be effective circulation of blood in the affected area, making the hair grow healthy.

* Apply coconut milk all over the scalp and massaging it into the hair. It will nourish the hair and promote hair growth. The coconut milk can be prepared by grinding the coconut malai and squeezing the residue.

* Application of the juice of green coriander leaves on the head is also considered beneficial for hair growth.

* Massage your scalp with Amla oil, prepared by boiling dry pieces of amla in coconut oil.

* Rinse your hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar and sage tea this helps hair grow.

* Try drinking this - blend bananas with honey, yoghurt & low-fat milk.
* As far as possible lead a stress free life.

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The term dandruff has become a catchall name for an annoying and often embarrassing condition characterized by itchy or flaky scalp. Millions of people across the globe are affected dandruff, itchy or flaky scalp. Although no one really knows for sure what causes the flakes and itches of dandruff researchers suggest they may be an inflammatory reaction triggered by too much of the microscopic yeast-like organism normally found in small amounts on healthy scalps.

What is dandruff anyway?
By definition, common dandruff is an overproduction and build-up of dead skin cells. Our scalp -- like the rest of our body -- is covered with skin cells. As our skin renews itself, the top layer of old cells die and come off. Normally, the entire renewal process takes about two to three weeks. But for some, this process gets speeded up. The scalp increases its production of cells, causing the dead ones to pack together and build up on the scalp resulting in an itchy and red scalp. The dead skin slough off as white or gray flakes on our collars and shoulders.

Possible Causes:
Causes of dandruff are due to food allergies; allergies to hair care products; a combination of cold weather, low humidity and dry indoor heat; infrequent shampooing; and that standby root of most health problems -- stress. However dandruff cannot be associated with dry skin. Dandruff can actually cause due to overproduction in the scalp's oil glands and people with oilier scalp are more likely to have this disorder.

Dandruff Treatment and Preventions:
1. The first -- and probably most simple -- step in treating dandruff is frequent and effective shampooing of the hair and scalp. This washes away flakes before they can build up and helps soothe itchy scalp.

2. Mix 8 tbsp. peanut oil with the juice of half a lemon. Rub the mixture into your hair, leave on for 10 minutes and then wash as usual.

3. Eat a well balanced diet and make at least 50 percent of your diet raw food.

4. Avoid or decrease your intake of fried foods, dairy products, sugar, chocolate and nuts,


Trichoptilosis is a longitudinal splitting of hair fiber better known as "split ends". It develops after the protective cuticle has been stripped away from the end of hair fibers as a result of over processing. Any chemical or physical trauma that weathers the hair may eventually lead to split ends. Vigorous brushing can even induce it. Typically the damaged hair fiber splits into two or three strands and the split may be two or three centimeters in length. However the greater the damage to the hair fiber the more severe the split ends may be.

The best treatment for split ends is to cut the hair and remove the split and damaged hair by receiving regular trims to maintain blunt smooth ends.

Does anything really fix split ends?
You cannot mend split ends; the only way to get rid of them is to trim your hair occasionally, tiny trims every four weeks, and following with deep-conditioning treatments in order to keep strands supple and flexible. Use good conditioners and don't blow dry your hair on high heat. This type of a maintenance routine should ensure that splits don't crop up at all.

Things to remember:

1. Don't brush hair when it's wet, because that's when it is at its most vulnerable.

2. Cut down on hair dryers, straightening irons, curling irons and hot curlers.

3. Buy a natural-bristle brush that won't pull on hair and ultimately break it off, thereby causing a possible split end.

4. Wear a hat to minimize sun damage.

5. Condition after shampooing, and use a deep conditioner once a month.
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Colouring your hair is perhaps the quickest and most dramatic way to change your look. If you are fed up with the same hairstyle, hair colour and looks then you can get a dramatic change by just colouring your hair. Your appearance will change drastically and you will feel a completely new person. So go ahead and colour your hair.

There are two types of hair dyes: permanent and semi-permanent, with variations of each.

A) Permanent Tints:
Must be mixed with hydrogen peroxide to lift hair colour. The peroxide opens the hair cuticle so that the tint can penetrate the cortex and form the colour. The higher the level of peroxide, the quicker and lighter the result.

B) Semi-Permanent Colours:
They don't actually lift the colour - you can either vary the tone within your natural highlights or go darker. Quasi-colour contains ethanolamine and 3% peroxide, which slightly opens the cuticle. This means that the colour can last up to 20 washes and will softly fade as you shampoo, causing no re-growth problem.

C) Semi-Permanent Vegetable Colours:
Contain only vegetable extracts and natural ingredients, so no colour is stripped from your hair. It is similar to henna but it doesn't coat the hair (adds shine though). This colour sits on the hair's surface and will wash out after about 8 shampoos.

Points to consider:
Skin Tone: Your new hair colour should complement your skin tone. Light-skinned people don't look good with very dark hair because it draws colour out of their skin. Dark, tanned skin doesn't look great when mixed with a one-tone blonde, but four or five blonde, chestnut or honey tones look fabulous. Hairstyles: Different colouring methods suit different hairstyles, so get some expert advice when deciding which one to go for.

Hair Colours

This is by far the easiest colour to accomplish because the molecules in black tints are larger and will cover all hair types very effectively. Caution is needed when using black, as it only tends to look good on people with darker and olive skin tones.

Brunette is always a safe choice as it suits nearly every girl in town. Varying the shade with highlights can achieve a huge range of looks. From chocolate brown and bronze shades to honey or dark blonde, combinations of natural tones gives incredible shine as darker-pigmented tints add condition to your hair.

Red is the ultimate sexy shade, for colour that cries out for attention. Hair holds on to red-toned pigments well, so going copper-top can be easy for most people. But be warned - if you are blonde you will usually have to go two or three shades darker than your natural colour to achieve a rich red (brunette), and it's not easy to reverse it.


If you would love to be blonde, talk the process through with your hair stylist before you go for it. It should be relatively painless on virgin dark brown hair, but if your hair has been permanently tinted then the process will become a long saga. Never attempt this kind of dye job on your own for the first time.

A few questions answered:

* Normally we wonder that colouring will spoil the hair texture and that is a doubt, which is there in every girls mind. Well the truth is colouring your hair will not damage it if done properly. Only if the wrong level of peroxide is used or you are over-processing (too many permanent colours are applied) your hair then it will be harmful for your hair. If you constantly change your hair colour, especially if you go from blonde to brown and back to blonde, you must regularly use deep conditioning treatments to avoid hair damage.

*The other question is why do coloured hair look dull and lifeless. The reason is over-processing. If your hair is starting to look dull, use semi-permanent colours where the pigments sit on top of the hair adding plenty of tone and shine. One thing to note is that semi-permanent colour give your hair a higher shine and enhance condition, but they won't lift natural hair colour. Also, a semi-permanent tint will not cover large amount of grey hair (more than 50%). If a permanent tint is used correctly, you will always achieve a beautiful effect and semi-permanent tints can be used to maintain these permanent treatments, adding condition.


Women are fascinated with different hair colours and shade and at some point of time want to try them out. The right hair colour can turn a simple and ordinary looking girl to a gorgeous red or a beautiful blonde or classy raven beauty. However with pleasure often comes pain. Permanent hair dyes with a high chemical composition may stress and dry out the best of hair. Even worse, hair colour can sometimes go horribly wrong. Whether applied at home or the highest priced salon in town, hair colour can sometimes take a bizarre detour and come out any hue, but the one that we hoped for.

Possible Problems :

If you are experiencing hair colour horrors you developed them because of one of two possible paths:

1. You went to a professional stylist or colourist and came out with a colour disaster.

2. You were swept away by a hair colour advertisement and did colouring part yourself in the privacy of your home.
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Solutions :

If you went to a professional colourist or stylist, contact them immediately to report your colour problem. Prompt action is critical for safe colour correction. Try to keep your cool and avoid shouting and screaming at the stylist. That will not help fix the problem. Remember, even the best colourists and stylists in the world can encounter problems. Give them the benefit of the doubt and be willing to let them try and fix the colour to your satisfaction. Most professionals will try to correct colour problems and will do it at no additional cost, unless you caused the problem in some way. Be sure to ask what the colour correction will cost before you agree to try it at the hands of your hair professional. This allows you to be clear about your financial responsibility.

Once you have suffered through bad colour, try not to panic and rush to find a solution that might cause even more harm. Many people try to fix the colour problems themselves once they get home. This will often make the problem a lot worse and potentially damage hair beyond easy repair. Once you have a colour problem the very best solution is to find a professional colour correction expert and work with them to get you back to your desired colour. Remember that the journey through colour correction procedure will normally take about 4 to 5 visits to the professional.

If you have done the colouring job at home and you have encountered the colour problem then immediately contact a colour correction expert. Do not do anything on your own or you will damage your hair beyond repair. Avoid applying colour removing products available at the market. The colour removal products often contain strong chemicals or bleach and in the wrong hands they can cause severe hair breakage. Colour removal products should never be used on relaxed or permed hair without the advice of a hair expert.

Here are some other ways to recover from the horrors of bad colour:

Time heals all hair wounds

Although you may hate your new colour, if neither home nor professional correction are an option, consider going shorter with a new style that will allow you to outgrow the colour quickly. Ask your stylist to help you select a style that minimizes any new roots or growth. Give yourself some time to let the colour fade naturally away.

Pop a pill

Hair vitamins will help maximize your genetic hair growth rate and to help you grow super healthy new strands and leave bad colour behind. Consider adding a good essential fatty acid to your daily vitamin count which will help to internally condition new strands.


Use hair clips, barrettes, jeweled hairpins and headbands to camouflage uneven colour. Grab the latest fashion headgear as a last resort.

Be positive

Being positive really helps in any bad situation. Not only does positive thinking and actions make you feel better, it gives you the opportunity to learn new ways to appreciate your hair. Experiment with your hair. Buy hair styling products and give yourself a new look. And use this bad experience as a lesson and avoid this situation in the future.


Once you have got your hair coloured with your desired shade,the next thing that you want is to make the colour vibrant as long as possible.

Listed below are several techniques for making your hair colour last::

* Select the hair coloring product that is most compatible with your life style. If you don't have time to redo your roots every 3-4 weeks, you may want to select a hair color shade that is only 1-3 shades lighter than your natural color. The closer you go to your natural hair color, the less your roots will show as they grow out. When your roots are less obvious, your hair color will last longer before you have to touch up your roots. Always select the type of coloring product that is easiest for you to maintain.

* Apply a deep conditioning treatment to your hair a few days before coloring. The better conditioned your hair is, the easier the color will take and the longer it will last.

* Color hair that has not been washed for one day. The natural hair oils will assist in making the hair color application more successful. The color will cling better to hair that is not dry.

* Use a color enhancing shampoo between applications to enhance and maintain the color. The color shampoos will help you keep your color looking good until it is time for the next application. If you don't wish to use a color enhancing shampoo then at least use the most gentle shampoo that you can.

* Avoid exposing your colored hair to the sun or chlorine in swimming pools. The sun may fade your hair color and the chlorine may damage the color. In some severe cases, if you have colored your hair a very light color the chlorine may leave a green tinge to your hair.

* Use layered colors to prevent an overall faded color look. The advantage to applying layered colors would be to have complimentary shades of darker and lighter colors which would reflect the light and give the color a multidimensional look.


Dry hair looks dull and lifeless. This type of hair craves moisture, and in most instances requires a healthy dose of protein. Dry hair needs protection in the form of emollients and lubricants, which will lay down the outside cuticle layer of the hair and create shine. Humectants will attract and retain moisture within this type of hair. Daily cleansing and conditioning with moisturizing and emollient treatments will go a long way toward alleviating a dry, tight scalp, while replenishing lost moisture and proteins along the hair shaft. Moisturisers contain "humectants" that not only replace lost moisture but actually attract moisture and retain it in the cortex of the hair.

Therefore use moisturisers, which have "humectants" in it. Essential fatty aids (EFA's) are great moisturizers. One of the best and most cost effective essential fatty acids is safflower oil. The scalp produces the best EFA's called sebum but sebum cannot reach upto the entire length of the hair if the hair is long. Hence it is necessary that to treat dry hair you have to use proper conditioners and moisturisers.

Treating your hair with natural moisturisers as follows:

* Take a few drops of safflower oil in your palms and carefully take your hair (while dry) and apply the small amount of oil to the ENDS first and work toward the scalp. By applying safflower oil your dry hair will have the proper amount of humectants to attract and retain moisture.
* Leave this in your hair for atleast 2 hours before washing.
* Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner (on ends only) every other day. Rinse with water alone on off days.
* Avoid heat-styling (blow-drying, flat-ironing) as often as possible because it damages your hair.
* When you're at the beach, spread some of the sunscreen you use on your body through your hair so that it doesn't dry out and get crispy.

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Grey Hair Problems - Causes & Treatments

Grey Hair is a symptom of improper protein synthesis. Hair grows white when the colour pigment (melanin) ceases to be produced in the hair follicle and small air spaces take its place. Pigment cells located at the base of each hair follicle produce the natural dominant colour of our youth. However, as a person grows older and reaches middle age, more and more of these pigment cells die and colour is lost from individual hairs. The result is that a person's hair gradually begins to show more and more grey. Individual hairs each have an outer layer (the cuticle) of overlapping flat cells, underneath, which is the thick cortex, which consists of horn-like keratin. The inside of the hair is made of softer, rectangular cells. Hair colour is determined by the concentration and depth of melanin pigment in the cortex - this produces the whole spectrum of hair colour from blond to black, with very fair people having almost no melanin. When these melanocytes die, then the hair turns grey. Melanocytes produce the pigment melanin and they are the cells responsible for much of the coloring of the human body, including the hair. With age the melanocytes lose their ability to make pigment, so color is absent from new hair.

Grey hair is usually associated with ageing, but this is not always the case. Early greying of the hair is basically hereditary, and we can inherit it from one of our parents or grandparents. So if your father's hair started to turn grey in his thirties there is a good chance yours will too. Grey hair can also be influenced by stress. A person experiencing a prolonged period of stress and anxiety may notice, over a period of time, white hairs gradually appearing. Malnutrition, worry, shock, deep sorrow, tension and other similar conditions may also slow down the production of melanin resulting in grey hair. Sever illness too can stop or affect the production of melanin. However, scientists have not been fully able to explain the exact causes of this change in colour of the hair.

Contrary to popular belief pulling out one grey hair will make two grow in its place is a myth. What can happen, however, is that if your hair is starting to turn grey and you pull one grey hair out, it may well be that the neighboring grey hair is just about to start growing, therefore two hairs in close proximity will appear at about the same time.

Home Remedies and Treatment

" Amla " is the best cure for grey hair and falling hair. Regular massage of "amla" paste rubbed into the scalp has worked wonders in many cases, frequently reversing the process of greying or falling off of hair.

Massage your hairs with coconut oil and Lemon everyday for at least 15 minutes. There are instances of people having black hairs even up to the age of 60-70 years by using this method.

Soak about 10 to 12 rithas and 3 to 4 shikakai pods overnight in a pint of water. Next day, boil for a few minutes and strain. Use this liquid as a normal shampoo. Separately soak 10 to 12 dried amlas in half a cup of water overnight. Strain and use as a hair conditioner after your head bath. Leave it on the hair for ten minutes and rinse your hair with clean warm water. This will leave your hair smooth and shiny and also stop premature greying of your hair.

Mix lemon juice in castor oil and beat till frothy. Add 'henna' in to it. Apply the mixture evenly over the scalp, and bathe after an hour using 'shikakai' and 'ritha' shampoo as above. This checks greying of hair.

Take a cup of strong black tea (without milk), and to this add a tablespoon of salt. When cold, strain the tea and massage it on the roots. Leave it on for an hour, and then rinse with cold water. Do not shampoo it.

Nourishment and proper grooming is very important to keep the hair texture, growth, shin and luster in a good condition. Therefore use a shampoo & conditioner that suits your hair type. Choose products that are gentle, preferably without any harsh detergent like sodium lauryl sulfate. For daily washes, use a shampoo that is mild, gentle & moisturizing. Don't use too much conditioner or else it makes hair greasy. Daily massage your hair with your fingertips; it helps proper blood circulation in the scalp.


Your hair needs the following nourishment:

a) Vitamin A - vitamin A is necessary for promoting a healthy scalp and gives body and glow to your hair. Include dark green vegetables and orange & yellow fruits & vegetables in your diet.

b) Vitamin B - vitamin B regulates the secretion of oil, keeps hair healthy & moisturized. Eat more of fresh green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, cereals, liver kidney, yogurt, bananas and green vegetables.

c) Minerals - minerals like zinc, iron & copper promote healthy hair. Food sources: zinc - red meat, chicken & green vegetables; iron - beef, dried apricots, red meat, parsley, eggs, wheat & sunflower seeds; copper - seafood, egg yolk & whole grains.

d) Proteins - consuming more of protein gives your hair natural shine and good texture. Include more of sprouted whole grains, cereals, meat and soy in your diet.

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Control Excessive Hair Loss


Massaging the scalp helps keep your hair healthy and can also promote hair growth. Just as body massage relaxes you and is one of the most effective ways to ease your tension and pain, massaging your scalp is also beneficial because it is extremely relaxing, calming, and helps relieve headaches and migraines. It stimulates the blood flow thereby nourishing the hair follicles which in turn prevents and fights avoidable hair loss, and re-establishes the natural development of healthy hair.

Massaging Tips:
Take oil and start from the forehead hairline along the arteries in the front, side, and back of the head, making small circles with your fingertips.

Work your way toward the top of the head as if drawing a circle.

Massage your hair/scalp for just ten minutes a day: once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Do not give up after a few days. Make it a habit! You can also massage your scalp when shampooing your hair.

Remember massage your scalp with your fingertips and not your nails.

Avoid excessive brushing because not only does brushing too much, damage your hair because it scrapes away your hair cuticle but it also makes you oily hair more oily and dry hair more brittle.

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