Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Perfect Hair Styles Tips

The Perfect Hairstyle

Did you know that any great look consists of three basic elements, the perfect haircut suitable for your facial shape, the proper styling products and the right makeup to go with the desired hairstyle. The style of your hair basically depends on the shape of your face. Therefore if you want to have the hairstyle that your favourite film star has then it is not necessary that the same hairstyle will suit you. Therefore before deciding on any hairstyle/haircut always determine the shape of your face. Here's how you will do it:

Pull your hair back with an elastic band or headband so all you see is your face. Stand close to a well-lit mirror and, with a dampened bar of soap, slowly trace your facial outline onto the mirror. The outline on the mirror will reflect your face shape, which will be one of the following.


Description: A large, curved forehead with a rounded chin. The face looks full and has very few angles. Cheekbones are clearly wider than brow bone and jaw line. Widest point is at the cheeks and ears.

Most complimentary styles: Hairstyles with fullness and height at the crown will draw attention upward giving you a longer face shape. Also try short hairstyles with a swept-back direction or hairstyles that are longer than chin length. By layering the top to achieve fullness and keeping the rest of the cut relatively close to the face, your face shape will appear longer and narrower. An off centre part is best with fullness and height at the crown.

Avoid: Avoid slick back styles without hair touching your face. Do not add width around the sides of your face, this will make the face appear to be wider than normal. As long as you have a focal point such as curls on top this will draw attention away from the roundness of your face. Also avoid chin length hair with rounded lines. These rounded styles will only make your face appear to be even more round. Avoid short cuts since it will only make your face appear to be heavier than normal.


Description: Oval is a perfectly balanced face; the top half balances the bottom half. Those who have oval face are extremely lucky coz they can flaunt almost all hairstyle.

Most complimentary styles: Hairstyles that are short, medium and long suit you since your face shape is well-balanced. You look best when styling hair off you face. If you have curly hair, a short cut looks most chic.

Avoid: Covering up your "perfect" features with heavy bangs, or too forward-directed styles. Also avoid too much hair on your face, as it will cover the perfectly proportioned face.


Description: Heart shape face has a wide forehead and a narrow chin line. Therefore hairstyles should be such that will decrease the width of the forehead and increase the width of the lower part of the face.

Most Complimentary styles: A chin length bob is most complimentary on your face shape. Bobs tend to be fuller at the bottom, which is what you would want if you were trying to bring width to your thin jawbone. You should always go for side-parted hairstyles.

Avoid: Short, full styles that emphasize upper face. Avoid too much height at the crown since it gives the appearance of a long and narrow chin. Avoid slicked-back looks for it will only draw more attention to the shape of your face.


Description: Oblong shape is long and narrow with hollow cheeks. There is very little difference in width between the top, middle or bottom of your face but it is more rounded than the square face. Your goal should be to add width and fullness to the sides of the face and around the eyes, cheekbones and ears.

Most Complimentary style: Short to medium lengths with fullness at the sides of your face and at your eyes and cheeks, is perfect for you. You can also try soft and wispy bangs since it will shorten the appearance of the length. Layer works great with your face structure, as they will add softness to the straight lines in your face. Always have side parting to throw off the balance of your face.

Avoid: Too much hair length will make your face look longer. Avoid centre parts since it will bring attention to the middle of your face and make it appear to be longer.


Description: Jaw line is significantly wider than brow bone. Your goal should be to narrow the chin and widen the forehead.

Most Complimentary style: Chin length or longer cuts are best for you. Go for styles that are full at the temples and taper at the jaw. Off centre parts. Shags and Wedge cuts look great. Try tucking hair behind your ears as this will draw attention to your eyes and add width in this area.

Avoid: Long, full hairstyles that draw attention to jaw line. Avoid Centre parts since it will bring attention to the middle of your face and make it appear to be longer.


Description: Cheekbone is clearly wider than forehead and jaw line. Your aim should be to reduce the width around the cheekbone line.

Most Complimentary style: If you are a true diamond then most of the hairstyles look good on your face. You can wear shorter styles, however if you are a dramatic diamond shape you need to leave weight in the back nape area like a heart shaped face. This will achieve more balance between your dramatic cheekbones and more delicate chin line.

Avoid: Avoid hairstyles that lift away from cheeks or move back from the hairline.


Description: A square shaped face has a straight hairline and a square jaw line. Therefore you have to create an illusion of length. Your goal should be to soften the sharp angle of jaw line and minimize your squared-off brow.

Most Complimentary style: Haircuts that emphasize your cheekbones at mid-line of the face are most flattering. Go for side-parts. Bangs and waves at the temple will soften the square shape of your face. Wear hair coming forward onto the face to reduce the square feature of the face. Hair length is best about 1-1/2" below the chin. Height in crown will create illusion of length.

Avoid: Long straight style that accentuate square jawbone. Also avoid linear straight bangs and centre-parts.


If you know what is the shape of your face and what hairstyle will look good on you then go ahead and pick any of the hairstyle that we have brought for you.




Hairstyles Hairstyles


Straight hair is in. You may not be blessed with straight and silky hair and you are desperate to have those curls straightened out so here is how you will do it without spending money doing it in the beauty parlour. Following the steps laid down and have a silky straight hair.

Wash your hair and make sure to condition it using a good conditioner formulated for your hair type.

Dry your hair with a towel. Hair should be almost dry when you begin.

Gather up hair into several sections and secure or clip hair on top of your head. You will be drying the bottom layers first.

Take a section of your hair and follow the brush (with your dryer) down the sections of hair as you straighten each section and be sure to keep the dryer moving.

Take down a new section of hair and proceed as directed above.

Work your way up the layers until all sections are dried and straightened.

To curl the ends for a polished look, take your brush and pull the ends under. Finish your styling with a blast of cool air if your hairdryer has this function.


Long lustrous locks need care, nourishment and proper diet. If you want to hair long beautiful hair then your body needs to be healthy and well nourished. The average person has around 100,000 strands of hair on their head and the average rate of growth is a mere one-half of an inch per month. Thus growing your hair will take time but there are a few things that can maximize the potential of your hair growing cycle.

The right vitamins and minerals play a major role in keeping your hair healthy. Any nutritional deficiencies can lead to thinning hair or even total baldness. It is a well known fact that an under active thyroid can result in frizzy or brittle hair while an overactive thyroid turn hair greasy and limp. If you are having any health problems or suffering from any nutritional deficiencies, your hair may stop growing or show damage.

Nutrition For Your Hair :

For proper hair growth your hair needs a balanced percentage of amino acids and B-vitamins. It has been found that certain minerals including magnesium, sulfur, silica and zinc are also very important toward maintaining healthy hair. Beta-carotene is also important to hair growth. Beta-carotene is found in green and yellow vegetables and fruits.

Protein is the most important ingredient for promoting hair growth since hair is basically 98 Percent Protein. Thus a diet that is too low in protein may cause thinning in hair or retardation in the growth cycle. Nutritionists advise healthy hair seekers to eat well-balanced diets that incorporate healthy proteins along with foods high in vitamin B, C, E, A and K.

For healthy and strong hair your body requires two essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6, that are not produced naturally by the human body. Vegetables and fruits are also essential for beautiful long hair. Consuming foods rich in copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc and other natural food elements is also helpful. Raw nuts, seed and grains are the safest foods to select for maintaining and growing healthy hair. They furnish hormones, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, many of which are not contained in cooked and processed foods.

Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. Water helps cleanse your body of chemical wastes, pollutants, toxins and other impurities. When you keep yourself well hydrated and clear of toxins, your live is free to help process all the proper nutrients that your body needs.

Essential Nutrition Common Food Source

Meats, fish, eggs, cheese, seeds and nuts.
Vitamin B

Green vegetables, beans, sunflower seeds, raw wheat germ, brewers yeast, liver, nuts and peas.
Vitamin c

Brussel sprouts, red peppers, cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumbers, oranges, lemons, limes, melons and berries
Vitamin A

Carrot, sweet potatoes, squash, broccoli and apricots.
Vitamin E

Avocados, rice bran, nuts, dark green vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
Vitamin K

Seafood, dairy foods, figs, brewer yeast, asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, brussel sprouts, cabbage, dark green leafy vegetables, egg yolks, oatmeal, rye, soybeans, liver, wheat and yogurt.

Dairy products, meat, fish, fruits, nuts, brewer's yeast, whole grains and green-leafy vegetables.

Eggs, fish, liver, oysters, meat, poultry, whole grains, green leafy vegetables and molasses.

Bananas, dairy, fish, meat, poultry, molasses, oranges and Tortula yeast.

Cold-water fish, dark-green vegetables, hemp oil and pumpkin seed oil.

Safflower oil, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, corn, pumpkin seeds, kidney beans, soybeans, and evening primrose oil.

Which Food Do I Avoid?

In order to have long beautiful hair and in order to enhance the growth of your hair it is very important not only to eat good healthy food but also to avoid food that is harmful for your body. Eating dead foods can lead to lifeless hair. Thus avoid the following foods.
Sugar, ice-cream and too much chocolate.
Soft drinks
Fatty and oily foods
Caffeine, alcohol and nicotine Click here for Summer Savings!


Perms are back!!!. Perming or permanent waves is a great way to add body, curls, & bounces to your hair. Perms can increase the fullness of soft, fine hair, put a curl or wave into straight hair, or simply make your hair easier to style. Thus perming can be used for styling hair in the following ways.

* To add curl. If your hair is fine and limp, getting perms just might do the trick for you. Gone are those days of tight, poodle type curls. Now you can choose from a variety of size curls. From small rollers to large, 1 ½ inch rollers, perms are out of the dark ages. A large roller will give you a very soft curl. A smaller roller will give you more of a spiral look.
* To relax naturally curly hair. If you have naturally curly hair, that is unruly, perming can tame those locks. By using a large roller then your natural curl size, perming will break down your hair and create a new curl.
* And to straighten hair. Yes, you can use perms to straighten hair. However, this method is tedious and time consuming. The lotion would be applied and then the stylist would comb your hair straight for the length of the timing. Sometimes up to 20 minutes. And this method would only be used on hair that is almost straight.

The strength of the perming solution used to curl the hair is measured by pH, which can be either alkaline or acidic.
ALKALINE WAVE: It is the best choice for resistant hair, Asian hair, hair with low elasticity, and hard to perm fine hair as well as normal, healthy hair.
ACID WAVE: These are milder than alkaline perms and work at a lower pH to reduce swelling of the hair during the perm process thus-reducing the chance of damage to fragile and colour treated hair. A good choice for healthy hair with good elasticity, tinted hair, damaged hair, highlighted hair, or fragile hair.

The perming process
* The hair is first washed and then wound on to some kind of former, such as a curler or a rod. The perm lotion is applied to the hair. Because the lotion is alkaline (pH about 9) the scales of the cuticle open slightly, allowing the lotion to flow under the cuticle and into the cortex. Here it reacts with the keratin of the cortex, breaking some of the disulphide cross-links within and between the protein chains. The hair swells and 'softens', so that it can stretch to take up the shape of the formers.
* After a while the perm lotion is thoroughly rinsed away and a neutralising lotion is applied. This re-forms the broken cross-links, which makes the hair harden into its new, curlier shape. This stage is the key to a successful perm: failure to rinse and neutralise properly can lead to many problems, including scalp irritation and damage to the structure of the hair shaft.

Some Tips if you are perming your hair at home:

# First and foremost wash and condition your hair properly. Hair that has already been chemically processed may need a cream conditioner applied to protect the hair before perming.
# Use protective gloves when applying chemicals.
# When wrapping hair around rollers, each section must be wrapped smoothly and evenly, without stretching the hair too tightly.
# After thoroughly rinsing out the permanent solution with warm water, a neutralizer must usually be applied for five to eight minutes to set the curl.
# Remove rollers and then rinse off neutralizer thoroughly with cool water.
# Do not use if you are allergic to any ingredient in the product. Avoid contact with eyes, nose, and mouth.

HAIRSTYLE--The French Braid

Your face and your appearance depends a lot on your hairstyle. If you have long hair then you can try out French braid, which looks elegant, beautiful and is very easy too. You can also let your imagination run wild and play with a basic French braid and create a variety of looks from tucking the ends of the braid underneath the braid to wrapping the leftover tail into a soft bun.

French braid is actually an improvement over the English braid where instead of beginning with three strands, you have to begin with a thin ponytail starting from the top layer of hair and as you go down you have to keep adding thin strands of hair into the plait that will form. The braid looks very elegant with layers of hair draped on either side of the braid.

French Braid: Step-by-Step Procedure

Place your thumbs above and slightly behind your ears. Draw them slightly back and upward, gathering hair that meets at your crown into a ponytail. Don't anchor it.
Fashion one English plait, crossing the left strand over the centre so that the two strands trade places, then the right strand over the centre so that those two strands trade places.
Hold the plait in your right hand, separating the three loose strands below it with your fingers. Place your left thumb above and behind your left ear and use it to draw a strand half as thick as one of the original strands towards the ponytail.
Add the newly gathered hair to the left strand and cross this increased strand over the centre, taking the centre strand to the left as in ordinary English braiding.
Hold the plait in your left hand, separating the three loose strands below it with your fingers. Place your right thumb above and behind your right ear and use it to draw a strand half as thick as one of the original strands toward the ponytail.
Add the newly gathered hair to the right strand and cross this increased strand over the centre, taking the centre strand to the right as in ordinary English braiding.
Continue gathering hair from the left and right and adding it to the strands just before you cross them over the centre.
After several plaits, there will be no loose hair left to gather. English-braid the remaining strands and fasten the end of the braid with a covered band.
To give the French braid a different look you can also tuck the remaining hair under the braid and pin up the tail so that it is not seen. You can also decorate it with jewelled pin, tiny flowers, beads or other hair accessories.

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One look that is still very popular is the hair knot or hair twists. Knots and twists are still a hot favourite in the world of fashion with more and more celebrities and star going for knots. Knots not only look sexy and elegant but also add bounce and fullness to your hair. You can create knotted and twisted updos in a variety of ways. If you want just a few knots or twists you can practice and create an elegant, hot look at home yourself. If you want an elaborate series of knots or twists then you will have to ask a friend to help you if you do it yourself or ask your hair stylist for the knotted hairstyle.

Below listed are a few knots and twists that you can wear at parties, get-togethers and disco's which will make you look absolutely gorgeous, young, special and very hot:

Knotty Style 1
Divide clean, dry hair into 9 or more equal-size sections around the head and clip each section to hold. Working with 1 section at a time, twist the hair into a coil to form a fairly tight "knot." Keep twisting your hair until it starts to roll into itself. Continue twisting your hair loosely to form a spiral on top of your head. Use hairpins to hold each knot close to the scalp. Repeat for each section of hair. When you have completely pinned all the twists and knots use a good quality holding hairspray to guarantee hold. Add a sparkly hair pin or jewel to the top of the style or placed at the side.

Knotty Style 2
The second example of a knotted/twisted look to have knots only at the back of the head as if like a bun keeping the edges loose. This style has a lot fewer knots and twists compared to the first style above. The knots are pinned around each other almost overlapping all the knots.

Knotty Style 3
In the third style of knotted/twisted hairstyle you have to use less number of knots and the knots should be placed unevenly scattered all over the head in no particular pattern. The knots and twists are of all different sizes and shapes and the front of the hair is not full.

Knotty Style 4
In this style of knotty hairstyle tie a ponytail first leaving a few strands loose in front of the ponytail. Pin the ponytail into a soft bun. Then take the remaining hair, twist and pin. The knots are pinned right in front of the loose bun. In this style only a few knots and twists are used which are strategically placed in front of a messy bun.

Knotty Style 5
In this style of knotty hairstyle you have to divide the hair in very neat sections which has to be well planned and drawn out. Once you know what you want start twisting each section from the bottom of your hair and knot it up at the front of the head. Create as specific design having all the knots properly pinned at the front of the head. Knotty Style 6 This style is for short hair. Make small knots at the top of the head and leave the rest of the hair loose. The knots will look a crown consisting of tine curls on the top of the head giving your hair more fullness.

Knotty Style 6
This style is for short hair. Make small knots at the top of the head and leave the rest of the hair loose. The knots will look a crown consisting of tine curls on the top of the head giving your hair more fullness.

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Compliment your hair and your hairstyle by using hair accessories that look attractive and helps create a perfect hairdo. Hair accessories come in different attractive shapes, size and styles. You can use striking and cute hair pins like butterfly clips and also pick up ruffles, beads, (faux) diamonds, vibrant coloured feathers, colourful hair bands etc.

Points to consider while choosing hair accessories:

First and foremost whatever accessory you use be sure that it fits comfortably in your hair and is not too tight or rough and does not pull your hair too hard.
For evening's party wear, go for a glamorous look by using jeweled hair clips, beads or even feathers on your hair
Your hair accessory should differ as per the occasion. Wear flowers to weddings or other festive occasions with traditional outfits. You can wear feathers, tiaras and the like to complement western style outfits like evening gowns or cocktail dresses.
The colour of your hair accessory should match that of your outfit, purse and footwear.

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